High Resolution Ultrasound System

Micro-ultrasound system for targeted biopsies for prostate cancer

  • A revolution in ultrasound, operating at 29 MHz.

    Micro-ultrasound resolution is comparable to MRI and 300% improvement over conventional ultrasound

  • Unmatched real-time resolution.

    Visualize suspicious regions and target biopsies in real-time.

  • PRI-MUS risk identification protocol for characterizing prostate tissue.

    Evidence-based protocol to help quickly identify benign or suspicious regions and target biopsies accordingly

The world's first 29MHz micro-ultrasound system

  1. Breakthrough High-Resolution 29 MHz Transducer

    World’s first high-resolution transducer enabling unmatched resolution and visualization of the prostate and the surrounding anatomy.

  2. Advanced Modes for Multi-Parameter Analysis.

    The system is developed to include multiparametric ultrasound capabilities, enhanced by the high-resolution image and its unique rich RF data.

  3. Complete urological platform. World’s first system supporting both high-resolution and conventional transducers

    29 MHz transducer for targeted and systematic biopsy procedures.

    Conventional resolution transducers for abdominal imaging (kidney and bladder), testicular imaging and large prostate procedures.

  4. Multi-Function Touch Screen for Advanced Features

    Advanced settings, image controls and extended parameters are easily accessible.

  5. DICOM Compatibility

    DICOM compatibility for access to patient files and data.

  6. o-Ultrasound System

A Complete Urological Platform

Adapted transducers

The ExactVu system operates both high-resolution 29 MHz transducers for targeted transrectal ultrasound biopsies, as well as conventional resolution transducers for abdominal (bladder and kidney) scanning. A conventional resolution transrectal transducer is also available for performing biopsies on very large prostates (e.g. prostate volumes over 120 cc).

9 MHz End-fire Prostate Transrectal Transducer (Curved) EV9C Transducer.

5 MHz Abdominal Transducer (Curved) EV5C Transducer.

29 MHz High-Resolution Transrectal Side-fire Transducer (Linear) EV 29L TRansducer.

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