Litho Holmium surgical laser is a low power laser with wast settings for the treatment of stones and soft tissue surgery. Its radiation is strongly absorbed by water, resulting in effective hemostasis and limited depth of penetration (0.3-0.4mm).It is a Multiutility Surgical Laser can perform effective resection and ablation of different soft tissues. The compact tower design simplifies its transportation and storage.
Litho provides the Best settings in this segment of Holmium Laser available in Market. Thanks to The continuous R & D of Quanta System which makes it better every time. Litho provides the user with high power output (up to 35W), energy (up to 5J) and frequency (up to 30Hz), together with an extremely long pulse width (up to 1500µs). It is a Multiutility Surgical Laser can perform effective resection and ablation of soft tissues.
These technical features offer multiple combinations of emission and superior versatility in stone treatment and soft tissue surgery.
Real meaning of Using Laser is to have less Retropulsion with Great dusting. Litho device is equipped with the inbuilt Dusting mode, taking advantage of the extremely long pulse width to perform a smoother ablation of stone with limiting retropulsion. Apart from Long Pulse Dusting Litho have an option of High Frequency Dusting.
Different Applications needs different Fibers. Litho laser is compatible with different fiber diameters (200-1000µm) and types. Apart from standard fibers, our portfolio includes ball tip & high Performance Fibers. We have the range of Long Gastro Fibers as well for Bile Duct stone surgery in Gastro Department.